Congolese women entrepreneurs break barriers at inspiring event in Kinshasa

Home Challenges Congolese women entrepreneurs break barriers at inspiring event in Kinshasa

Women’s entrepreneurship in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been given a significant boost by the Advocacy Group for Women’s Voice and Leadership (GPVLF). A recent event held at the Rotanna hotel in Kinshasa on April 17 celebrated the achievements of Congolese women entrepreneurs. Themed “Sharing success stories in female entrepreneurship in the DRC,” the event showcased the resilience and determination of women in the business world.

Prominent figures in Congolese female entrepreneurship, including Fidelie Chibi Cha Bene, President of the Union of Women Traders, and Sivi Malukisa, President and Founder of MANITECH CONGO, shared their inspirational stories. From selling charcoal to running successful businesses, these women illustrated how obstacles can be turned into opportunities through perseverance and hard work. Carine Pala, a renowned stylist and modeler, also shared her wisdom and journey in the fashion industry.

Marie-Louise Mwange, a GPVLF politician and entrepreneurship expert, added her voice to the discussions by sharing her experiences as an entrepreneur transitioning into a political career. The event, supported by Global Affairs Canada and executed by the Carter Center, is a significant step towards promoting gender equality and empowering women economically in the DRC.

By highlighting the talent and determination of Congolese women entrepreneurs, the GPVLF aims to pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future for all women looking to venture into entrepreneurship. This event serves as a catalyst for female entrepreneurship in the DRC by providing a platform for women to share their successes, challenges, and aspirations.

The inspiring stories shared during this event are poised to fuel hope and empower women to turn their entrepreneurial dreams into a thriving reality. For further details, you can find additional information in the following links:
Exchange with Congolese entrepreneurs on the keys to success
Governing effectively: The keys to Fatshimetry in the DRC
The importance of truthful information: The case of Fatshimetrie

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